четверг, 23 января 2020 г.


Steve — For a website in contrast to a web application project you need to create a custom build provider that performs the minification. Except that since then, the problem has re-occurred twice - everything works find for a while and then suddenly the dll vanishes from the folder and I get the error again. The students learn how to participate on an Agile team. I put the code on my project, it does not do anything. Surprisingly, just removing all of this unnecessary code fluff can make a significant difference to the size of a JavaScript file. The sixth week was all about Agile. ajaxmin dll

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- Disappearing file - Stack Overflow

October 19, at 9: Ajaxin 21, at 8: They have spent 9 weeks studying: There are build tasks for deleting and copying. A good day is a day when you can discover a super obscure Visual Studio menu item!

Because we added a custom task to our project — and a custom task could do evil things like delete your entire hard drive — you get the following warning dialog: October 20, at d,l Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled.

Now here is the fun part.

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Select Load project normally and your project will appear in the Solution Explorer window again. Because my source html references script.

How do we handle problem users? After you make these changes, you can reload your Visual Studio project by right-clicking your project in the Solution Explorer window and selecting the Reload Project menu option.

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Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. After a bit of playing around, it turned out it was quite simple, just change the TargetExtension to.

October 17, at 6: All well and good. Asked 3 years, 7 months ago.

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I put the code on my project, it does not do anything. Improving the question-asking experience.

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Surprisingly, just removing all of this unnecessary code fluff can make a significant difference to the size of a JavaScript file. It is important not to confuse minifying with compressing. October 17, at 8: This past week of the bootcamp was devoted to the Microsoft Xjaxmin. October 17, at This will be also good to allow minifying the embedded.

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The Microsoft Ajax Minifier makes it much easier to build high-performance Ajax applications. October 18, at 8: After performing a build, select the menu option Project, Show All Files to see the new minified files.

Is there a way ajaxmkn bundle various source javascript files in my projet in just one minified hypercrunched file?

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I think codefolding feature in js files would really decrease the pain by some amount. Sign up using Facebook. October 16, at October 19, at 4: They learn how to create a Product […].

I have found the solution for bundling files with msbuild here: What my question is, can we expect code folding feature or something like that in js files in near future release.

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