среда, 5 февраля 2020 г.


MSI Scanning the web suggests the program has updated, but can't find the original installation files to complete the update. Missing emails from recovered pst outlook Send a private message to thejoz. Email Required, but never shown. Office 03 programs seem to otherwise run fine without it The disc should be the installation disc for Office Small Business edition. stdp11n.msi

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I think your best bet, given how complex MS Office installations are, is to uninstall it completely, then install Office again. The drop down menu also lets me choose Microsoft Office Small Business Editionneither options find anything.


Hi Tom Thanks for the advice. To avoid this sort of thing in the future, always perform a custom install, and for each component, either install it or don't install it; don't tell it to "run from disc when needed". Do you have windows update setup? I presume the trial version that came with your computer was preinstalled and you have deleted the install files?

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Unless it came installed on your computer. For other potential solutions to this problem, see C: Why it picks the D: Active 6 years ago. Verify that you have access to this location and try again, or try to find the installation package 'STDP11N.


Had accidentally cleaned up old programs and suddenly this was missing. Out of curiosity, are you reinstalling using the same CD-ROM drive letter that stdp11n.msi originally installed from? Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. The installation may be looking in the original source path, and if that's changed it may not like it.

All times are GMT Please someone help me and tell me how I stdp11nmsi copy just this file and if it will work after that or what needs to be done.

STDP11N.MSI is missing. No CD available.

Send a private message to thejoz. What can I do??? I am in desperate need of Microsoft Word for my college homework and can stdp11n.mzi use the program to write or even view anything. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. MSI Scanning the web suggests the program has updated, but can't find the original installation files to complete the update. Want to reply to stdp11n.mai thread or ask your own question?

My Office program is missing file stdp11n. I have no idea wtf that file is nor how I could have deleted it. The reason for that should be fairly obvious by now. AboutDev AboutDev 3 3 bronze badges. I am trying to help someone and could use some expertise. I moved the files back from E to C, and the error still persists. If you download the Office trial only available in NAthen you can simply run setup from the download and it will see your currently installation and offer to repair it.

Problem using Excel, missing - The Safehouse Forums

Do things in order: Email Message Missing in Word. If it doesn't work, then possibly you may have to uninstall and then do a fresh reinstall. I'd created a file under D:

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